Iris- Medium Education

Available Supports

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There are a wealth of Irish language supports available on a wide variety of websites. You can access anything from cartoons to yoga classes through Irish on You-Tube, cula4, TG4 and the BBC. We have compiled a list of links that you may find useful. Consider downloading our A Haon, A Do, A Trí app to encourage children to sing songs and rhymns as Gaeilge.

Are you looking for a translation or how to explain the meaning of a word As Gaeilge? There are lots of websites that can help.

Google translate

Frequently Asked Questions

No. You don’t need to be fluent in Irish, or even to speak Irish at all, for your child/ren to attend a naíscoil. In fact over 95% of parents with children in Irish-medium education have very little or no Irish. For parents who are interested in learning Irish, having a child at the naíscoil is a good way to learn a little bit of the language yourself. But whatever your own experience of Irish, we will provide resources to help you support your child’s language journey.

A bilingual education gives your child the gift of two languages. Research has shown that having two languages from an early age helps cognitive and academic development, improves problem solving abilities, and makes it easier for them to learn additional languages. Bilingual education also has community and social benefits as children become oart of a young vibrant Irish-speaking community.

No. The Naíscoil provides an excellent opportunity for parents to try Irish-medium education. Even if you opt to send your child to an English-speaking primary school your child will have benefited from an enriching experience.

No. The research show that children who are bilingual actually perform better at both English and Maths by the end of their primary education.

Have you more questions?

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