How to Apply for 2025/26
Applications for pre-school places for the year 2025/26 open at 12 noon on Friday 10th January 2025.
All admission criteria for individual Naíscoils are available on the Education Authority website.
The Education Authority now has a comprehensive guide to applying for your Pre-School place live on their website: Click Here
The admissions portal will close on 12 noon on Friday 24th of January.
We encourage all parents considering pre-schools for the 2025/26 year to attend the open evenings available at your local Naíscoil.

How do I Apply for a 2025/26 Naíscoil Place?
The education Authority now have a comprehensive guide to applying for your Pre-School place live on their website: Click Here
Read the admissions guide available on the EA website. Click on this box to go straight their.
Think about your choice in order of preference
Think about what Naíscoil you want your child to attend and put your choices down in order of preference. If you want Irish Medium education for your child, make sure to put an Irish Medium choice first.
Submit your application
You maybe required to upload some supporting documentation. Submit your application before the closing date of 12 noon on Friday 24th January 2025 to secure your fully funded place for September 2025.

Naíscoil Bheag/Pre-Pre Sessions
Naíscoil Mhachaire Rátha & Naíscoil Charn Tóchair are delighted to launch their new Naíscoil Bheag sessions specifically designed for pre pre sessions and younger children. Offered in an entirely separate room from the main pre-school setting, Naíscoil Bheag offers your child the chance to explore a play led programme, with additional sensory play experiences, specifically targeted at their developmental needs. Available up to four mornings per week up until 12.15 each day (with the option of a lunch club until 2pm).
Find out more now by emailing or call us on 07512 691973.

Frequently Asked Questions
No. You don’t need to be fluent in Irish, or even to speak Irish at all, for your child/ren to attend a naíscoil. In fact over 95% of parents with children in Irish-medium education have very little or no Irish. For parents who are interested in learning Irish, having a child at the naíscoil is a good way to learn a little bit of the language yourself. But whatever your own experience of Irish, we will provide resources to help you support your child’s language journey.
A bilingual education gives your child the gift of two languages. Research has shown that having two languages from an early age helps cognitive and academic development, improves problem solving abilities, and makes it easier for them to learn additional languages. Bilingual education also has community and social benefits as children become oart of a young vibrant Irish-speaking community.
No. The Naíscoil provides an excellent opportunity for parents to try Irish-medium education. Even if you opt to send your child to an English-speaking primary school your child will have benefited from an enriching experience.
No. The research show that children who are bilingual actually perform better at both English and Maths by the end of their primary education.